Showingroom with open casket and lit candles



Showing the dead body.

Many hospitals have special rooms where the family may see the dead person. This room is sometimes located next to the ward, sometimes next to the shrouding room.


Showingroom with open casket and a candle in the background


The face of the deceased is by tradition covered with a white piece of cloth.

Sometimes relatives take photos of the dead person. For the family member who has not had a possibility to see the body, a photo may help to emotionally accept the death and to process the grief.


Hands of a dead person, open casket

For many people it is frightening to see the dead body. Though it might be a good way to get through the period of grief.

A generation ago children were "protected" from funerals. Today the attitude is different. Even the youngest children should be given the possibility to see a dead relative.

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© Harry Peronius

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

funeral, undertaker, coffin, die, dead, death, graveyard, churchyard, morbid, funeral home, obituary, cremate, crematorium, body, corpse, embalm, transplantation, organ