Greenwood cemetery


Funerals and cemeteries
in the USA

Greenwood cemetery in Brooklyn, New York.

Greenwood cemetery


I wanted to make a cultural comparison between Sweden and USA.

To photograph cemeteries and funerals in USA was much more difficult than I ever thought.

Undertakers and other professionals in the trade were surprised to see my photos from Sweden which to them were very revealing.

I was not given access to photograph behind the scenes.

Death is a taboo in Sweden, but is much more so in the USA.

Greenwood cemetery


Greenwood cemetery


I had to apply for permission to photograph on some cemeteries in New York and Los Angeles.

Once I had to promise that names on tombstones would not be visible on my photos. The reason to this is the fear that relatives may sue the cemetery for damages.

Greenwood cemetery

A funeral in the USA takes place 1-3 days after a person has died. In Sweden 2-3 weeks is usual.

About 85% of Americans die in institutions. In Sweden about 35% .

About 20% of the dead people are cremated in the USA, rate is going up slowly. In Sweden the rate is about 70% and is increasing as well.

Photo Gallery

© Harry Peronius

Part 1
Part 2